عــالم النحلabeilles

تعتبر تربية النحل من بين الاختصاصات العلمية الممتعة و المهمة٫يزاولها الكثير من النحالين و الهواة و تساهم بشكل كبير في تطور اقتصاد البلدان خاصة في قطاع الفلاحة و في انتاج منتجات النحل مثل العسل٫حبوب اللقاح٫سم النحل٫العكبر الشمع.


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مرحبا بكم في مدونة عالم النحلabeilles طريقك نحو الاحتراف

feed bee with banana

feed bee with banana

Bananas are one of the famous tropical fruits in the world as a whole, and bananas are available in humid tropical regions throughout the year, and they are famous for their low price, and they are usually eaten alone or mixed with juices and milk, and bananas are used in the manufacture of many sweets and dishes and is considered The staple food for many countries such as Thailand, Brazil, Southeast Asia and Africa. Bananas have many benefits, such as treating digestive problems, and it protects the body from many diseases and cancers and fights aging. What are the benefits of bananas?

Benefits of bananas for humans

Bananas are high in calories.
A source of energy for the body.
It is eaten to prevent constipation.
Helps strengthen the immune system.
Preserves the heart.
Improves mental state.
Rich in minerals.
Contributes to maintaining a healthy weight.
Bananas contain many vitamins and minerals, including iron, phosphorous, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin B6, as well as fiber, fat, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, carbohydrates and fats.

We tried the banana fruits in the bee feeding, and the bananas were very popular. Watch the video and do not forget to subscribe to the channel, and on the site a good follow-up in the video below

article whriten by beekeeper moufid
country algeria

عن الكاتب

عالم النحلabeilles عالم النحلabeilles تهتم بتربية النحل في الجزائر و العالم العربي انشات قصد تقديم معلومات عن تربية النحل للمبتدئين قصد النهوض بهذا التخصص الكبير الذي يساهم حتى في تطوير اقتصاد البلاد


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عــالم النحلabeilles